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Our Coaches


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)
Judges Course 2019 Certificate
Judges Course 2023 Certificate
Lesson Planning Certificate
Level 2 Pre-Course Certificate
Scaling Certificate
Spot the Flaw Certificate

Wodapalooza (40-44)
– 2025 – 5th Place

The Fittest Experience (40-44)
– 2025 – 3rd Place

CrossFit Games Athlete (40-44)
– 2024

The Fittest Experience (40-44)
– 2024 – 1st Place

CrossFit Semifinals (40-44)
– 2023 – Ranked 20th Worldwide

Spartan Race – The Beast 21k Half Marathon (40-44)
– 2023 – 1st Place

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit and what made you start? I have been extremely active and involved in fitness for the majority of my adult life. Over the years I have tried a wide variety of fitness regiments from Golds gym, Barre, Spin Class, and HIIT training. I even tried Curve and Rollerblading back in the day. I was never satisfied nor was I able to achieve the results I was looking for or thought I should have with the amount of work I was putting in. I had a friend that would constantly suggest I try CrossFit. I would always tell her that I just wasn’t interested but if I’m being honest, I was actually intimidated. I was not intimidated by the people but rather, by the all the barbell work. I had never done any kind of Olympic lifting and wasn’t sure that I could or even if I wanted to. Sometime in 2014 she finally convinced me to try a CrossFit class and I’m so glad she did because it was love at first lift! I couldn’t get enough. In fact, over the years I’ve grown to love CrossFit so much that I now own and operate my own Box, CrossFit Lake Travis.

2. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit? My favorite thing about CrossFit is most definitely the fact that it brings people together from all different walks of life. Each day, we walk into the box from very different lives and all have the same thing in common; the love for our community. Getting fit and healthy is a huge bonus. It doesn’t matter your age, career, fitness level, homelife or abilities, the box as we call it, is a family and everyone supports one another.

3. What is your favorite movement? I’m not sure I could narrow my favorite movement down to just one. People think I’m crazy but I love me some thrusters and burpees.

4. What is your favorite CrossFit movement to coach? My favorite CrossFit movement to coach would have to be the Deadlift. I absolutely love to see the joy on an athletes face when they see how much weight they can lift off the ground with proper technique.

5. Why did you become a Trainer? I became a trainer so I could pass my love for health and fitness onto others through CrossFit. My life was truly changed for the better once I discovered the sport and I want provide others with the opportunity to have a similar or even better experience than my own.

6. Why do you own and operate a box? Owning and being the Head Coach of CrossFit Lake Travis has given me an opportunity to have the biggest impact on my community. I genuinely love people, health, and watching others succeed. CFLT has allowed me to have all those things in one place.


Aside from Owning and operating CFLT, I have an amazing family. My husband, Lawrence and I have two young boys, Odin and Gray. And of course I cannot forget to mention our Belgian Malinois, Knight-Mare. In addition to training and competing in CrossFit, I also train and compete in Brazilian jiu-jitsu. Lawrence and Gray are very serious about jiu-jitsu. Odin, on the other hand, seems to be taking after his mama as he gravitates toward CrossFit. By the time he was 8, he’d already become a no-shirt CrossFitter (face palm). Maybe he’ll rise to the challenge and compete in the games one day. Fun fact about Gray, he was almost born in a CrossFit box. My water broke doing a squat clean. Who knows, maybe a future games athlete in him as well.

If you are reading this, I sincerely hope to meet you soon!


CrossFit Level 4 Coach (CF-L4)
CrossFit Seminar Staff Course Supervisor (Flowmaster)
Kids Trainer
Judges Course 2013 Certificate
Judges Course 2016 Certificate
Judges Course 2017 Certificate
Judges Course 2018 Certificate
Judges Course 2019 Certificate
Judges Course 2021 Certificate
Judges Course 2022 Certificate
Judges Course 2023 Certificate
Lesson Planning Certificate
Nutrition I Certificate
Scaling Certificate
The Professional Coach: Do it Right. Do it Well. Certificate
Training Pregnant and Postpartum Athletes Certificate

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit? I started CrossFit in 2009. I was looking for a competitive outlet coming out of collegiate athletics. In my first workout I got lapped by someone twice my age, and I was hooked!

2. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit. The journey it sets us on to the distant horizon of fitness. And of course the awesome people who are on that journey with me.

3. What is your favorite CrossFit movement? My favorite movements are deadlifts and handstand push ups. So “Diane” is an all time favorite workout.

4. What is your favorite CrossFit movement to coach? My favorite movement to coach is whichever is giving an athlete the most struggle. Not much is better than helping someone overcome a challenge.

5. Why did you become a Trainer? For the simple joy of serving others.


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)
Judges Course 2022 Certificate

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit and what made you want to start?  I started doing CrossFit in 2017! Growing up, I did ballet, which, to this day, I believe taught me body awareness and discipline. In addition to dancing, I loved to run, cycle, and play sports (basketball & soccer). I taught a 5 a.m. spin class for 2 years right after college! When I found CrossFit, I was growing tired of finding new exercise programs to follow and searching for local running races to compete in. My results had hit a plateau and I wasn’t seeing what I wanted. A friend of mine invited me to try out the local CrossFit box, and I remember taking my first class and thinking, “Whoa, what just happened!” (in the best way possible). I signed up that day and never looked back. When I started CrossFit, I couldn’t do a single double under or kipping pull-up but I knew I wanted to learn! The rest is history 🙂

2. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit. CrossFit is amazing for many reasons, but the best part is the strong sense of community it creates. There’s nothing quite like the support and friendship that comes from working together to be greater versions of ourselves. Iron sharpens iron, so if you surround yourself with like-minded individuals who are hard-working and embrace integrity, you WILL become a better person yourself.

3. What is your favorite CrossFit movement?Oh man, this is such a hard question. I would have to say overhead squats and handstand walks. Call me crazy but there’s something about holding heavy weight overhead while maintaining good form that gets me fired up. Also, handstand walking is a fun party trick. I love being upside down!

4. What is your favorite CrossFit movement to coach? My favorite movement to coach is the Snatch. Olympic lifting is very technical and I can vividly remember when I started CrossFit that I thought I might never grasp it. Witnessing that “aha” moment for others as they progress through the snatch technique is truly indescribable. It’s an amazing feeling!

5. Why did you become a Trainer? I love fitness; it’s a way of life for me and my family. Becoming a Coach allows me to share this part of me with the community. I thoroughly enjoy building relationships and understanding individual goals. Everyone is in different seasons of their lives, and I love being a part of their journey. Fitness is not only physical but also mental, and CrossFit truly encompasses both aspects.  


I grew up in West TX (Good ol’ San Angelo), where I met my wonderful husband Wade while attending Angelo State University [Go Rams]. We moved to the Austin area in 2020 with our 3 dogs (Moose, Khloe, and Koral) and decided to put down some roots. Since moving, we’ve acquired a 4th dog (Kilo…because she weighs as much as a house) and I became a mom to the most beautiful little boy named Otis Wilder. My water also broke at the gym while doing hang power cleans [see Karli’s bio] so I’m sure my little boy will be joining her boys in competitions before too long.

When I’m not momming, coaching, working out, or doing any combination of those 3 things, I have the pleasure of working for an amazing technology company called Atlassian. During my time in CrossFit, I’ve competed in the team divisions for TFX and Wodapalooza as well as a few local competitions. I will always love to compete but what I love just as much is seeing others compete and push themselves harder than they thought they could.


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)
Judges Course 2022 Certificate
Scaling Certificate
Spot the Flaw Certificate

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit and what made you want to start? I have been doing CrossFit since 2017. As an Ex-Collegiate multi-sport athlete, CrossFit gave back the feeling and ability to improve myself and work on my strengths and weaknesses. It also allowed me to tap back into the competitive nature of sport and fitness.

2. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit. CrossFit is for everyone and can be scaled up or down depending on fitness level, goals, or limitations. It is for all ages, promotes inclusivity by design, and meets you exactly where you are at in life.

3. What is your favorite CrossFit movement? My favorite movement is the Snatch because it needs an appropriate balance of Strength, Technique, and Athleticism.

4. What is your favorite CrossFit movement to coach? My favorite movement to coach would be any gymnastic style movement because there is tremendous joy in watching a movement like a Pullup, Handstand Walking, or a Muscle Up click for that individual.

5. Why did you become a Trainer? I became a trainer because I love the sport and the positivity and encouragement that come along with it. I am passionate about supporting anyone on their journey of fitness and health!



CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)
Judges Course 2022 Certificate

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit and what made you want to start? I have been doing CrossFit for 4 years. I started CrossFit because I wanted something that produced real results. I have always worked out but I knew something was missing, I would get results but not the results I was looking for. I was a national champion powerlifter in my youth, competed in triathlons and even bobybuilded for a short time but was never really satisfied with my programming. Exercise was not fun anymore and I was burned out with the normal fitness programs that I tried. I heard a quote, “If you can’t get the results you want on your own, you need outside help.” That day I decided to invest in some real coaching and join a CrossFit box. I was hooked from day one.

2. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit? My favorite thing about CrossFit is the authenticity and “realness” of the coaching and community. CrossFit produces results, no gimmicks and no false promises. Commit, put in the work and the results follow… for any and everyone.

3. What is your favorite CrossFit movement?  My favorite movement has to be the squat. Basic and to the point. In my opinion it is one of the foundational movements that everything else is built upon.

4. What is your favorite CrossFit movement to coach? Again the Squat. I believe that if an athlete has a strong foundation of a good squat it will benefit them in all other areas.

5. Why did you become a trainer? If
something truly works to improve lives, why not tell the world about it? I became a CFL1 coach because I wanted to help people on their journey to become the best version of themselves. CrossFit does so much more than get our physical bodies in shape, it improves every area of our lives. I wanted to bottle it up and give it away. I have so many friends and family struggling in the area of health and wellness. This was my way of doing something about that.


I have been happily married to my wife Monica for 22 years. Our children Noah and Addison are at Texas A&M in College Station. When I am not at the gym I am probably selling pottery or helping out at my church. We just moved to Spicewood, TX last year and are looking forward to getting settled in, getting involved in the community and spending a lot of time on the lake.


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)
Judges Course 2023 Certificate

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit and what made you start? I started doing CrossFit in December of 2020 but was more of a part-timer.  I REALLY started doing CrossFit, showing up consistently, working on my mechanics, and pushing myself in June of 2022.

2. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit? Shared suffering is the only way I can work out now.  To struggle through something as a team and accomplish a workout together gives me a phenomenal feeling of community.

3. What is your favorite movement? Jumping lunges and Overhead Squats.

4. What is your favorite CrossFit movement to coach? The front squat.  It’s so essential to almost every other movement in CrossFit.

5. Why did you become a Trainer? In 2022 I was sitting on the couch watching tv and my apple watch went off.  It asked me if I was working out.  I had a resting heart rate of 115 and a 9 month old baby.  I knew I had to change my lifestyle.  I went to CrossFit consistently, started paying attention to my nutrition, and lost 50 pounds in 2 months.  I had people ask me what I did, how I did it, what I ate, and I realized I loved helping people who were stuck.  People who felt like, “what’s the point?”  I loved telling people that it’s just that simple.  I just decided one day that today was a great day to start.  I feel like being a trainer introduces me to more people who need that push, who need to be reminded that today is a great day to start, and I can share my experience to be that reminder.


Born in Massachusetts, grew up in Maine. The ultimate New Englander. But don’t let that fool you, I’ve had enough snow to last a lifetime and now want all the heat I can get. My wife and I moved down to Texas in 2018 and started planting roots. 2 dogs, 2 kids, and a partridge in a pear tree. We’ll be looking to bump those kid numbers up soon. I work in tech, mostly startups, but any time I can get away is spent with my kickass wife and doing what I can to tire out the kids.


CrossFit Level 2 Trainer (CF-L2)

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit and what made you start? I have been CrossFitting since 2008, I was 26 years old at the time. My husband is the reason I started. He got certified as a coach while in the Marine Corps. Because I was a collegiate athlete, and he was a special operator in the Marine Corps, I just wanted to show him I could hang with him and his crew. No, but really it was after I saw him get so ripped and cut so fast that I got curious about it. Note: I did think he was nuts at first because everything he was doing went against everything I was ever taught in my ACE trainers course. But really what drove me to start was watching women do A LOT of pull-ups. I played college Women’s Lacrosse, I was always one of the strongest and fastest with sprints BUT I always struggled with being able to do more than 1 pull-up. By 3 months of doing CrossFit and working on pull-ups everyday, I was able to do 5 strict pull-ups and 10 kipping!

2. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit? It is the community aspect. I love being part of teams and pushing others to be THEIR best. I love the camaraderie that comes with being part of the team and serving my teammates. In this case, we all serve one another just by showing up to class no matter what everyone else is doing, someone is working on their “hard”. And that simple “you got this, let’s go,” that makes you push a little harder!

3. What is your favorite movement? I LOVE Snatches and Handstand Push-ups. I really cannot pick between the two. Both are challenging and FUN!

4. What is your favorite CrossFit movement to coach? I LOVE coaching Cleans and Snatches! There is always something to work on and there are so many nuances in those movements. I love finding the 1 little thing that makes you 1% better every day!

5. Why did you become a Trainer? I’m driven by a simple yet profound passion: People! I love empowering every individual to feel accomplished and confident in the work they do. There’s no greater joy than witnessing people overcome obstacles and achieve the impossible. Together with athletes, we’ve conquered adversity, transformed weaknesses into strengths, and reached championships. What fuels my enthusiasm is the process of mastering the basics and witnessing individuals grow through dedication and hard work. There’s no substitute for the sense of fulfillment that comes from overcoming challenges/failures to achieving the win and finally celebrating the victory!


CrossFit Level 1 Trainer (CF-L1)

1. How long have you been doing CrossFit and what made you start? I first found CrossFit in 2008 while deployed overseas. I began my weightlifting journey by following Mark Rippetoe’s Starting Strength program but quickly became bored with the monotonous programming. A friend told me about this challenging new-ish thing called CrossFit that we should try. A few weeks of sled drags, tire flips, and Olympic lifts later – and feeling like I’d been run over by a truck every day – and I was hooked! After an eight year hiatus due to kids, grad school, and life obstacles, I came back to CrossFit in 2018. I’ve been active with CrossFit since then with the last year and some change at CrossFit Lake Travis.

2. What is your favorite thing about CrossFit? Without question, the community! The friendship and camaraderie I’ve found through CrossFit are what has me hooked. The physical and mental health benefits are a close second. But it’s really the people working alongside each other, each on their own health and fitness journey, meeting themselves where they are that day and striving to be 1% better while supporting others, that makes me love CrossFit so much.

3. What is your favorite movement? Such a tough question to answer… when I first started CrossFit, the power clean and front squat topped the list. With any and all of the other Olympic lifts following shortly behind. There is something about working on an Olympic lift technique over and over and finally nailing the movement that is empowering! Lately, I’ve gravitated toward more gymnastics movements like ring muscle-ups, bar muscle-ups, and handstand push-ups.

I guess that really means my favorite movements are the ones I haven’t yet mastered and am putting the sweat equity into learning. There is always some new skill or technique to work on.

4. What is your favorite CrossFit movement to coach? My favorite movement to coach is one that gets an athlete excited. That could be deadlifts or back squat for some, handstands, pull-ups or muscle-ups for someone else. Seeing someone get super stoked about their progress is incredibly motivating! Nothing gets me more excited than seeing someone walk through the doors again, motivated to put the work in and continue learning and growing.

5. Why did you become a Trainer? I became a Trainer for two reasons. First, I became a trainer to continue challenging myself in new and rewarding ways. Standing in front of a gym full of athletes, many of whom have mastered skills I am still working on, is humbling and challenging. But therein lies the reward; doing something that is unfamiliar and scary when you first set out and striving to be 1% better every day.

Second, I became a Trainer because I wanted to give back. CrossFit has given me so much in life; physical health, mental health, new friendships, and more. CrossFit absolutely kept me sane through some of the most challenging times in my life. I feel it is important to contribute to a community, both at CrossFit Lake Travis and elsewhere, that has been such a positive contribution to my life over the years. In the words of some of my friends and family members, I drank the culty kool-aid and now love helping spread the gospel!


5324 Reimers-Peacock Rd. Spicewood, TX 78669

Ready to Get Started? Give us a call (512) 380-1791